
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Do A Little Dance

So I know I have been silent for a while. We had some sad things happen in our life, and I haven't really felt like talking about much of anything. And we aren't gonna talk about it anymore right now...

Cause right now it's time to have some fun.

We need to do some dancing.

Chester just loves to dance, espically to some good ol' Bluegrass music. Some of my college friends would know this group he is listening to, they are called Big Smith and they are awesome! I we to download a song of theirs that we use to listen to all the time in college and came across an album of kids music they made called From Hay to Zzzzzz: Hillbilly Songs for Kids and I love it! I bought it from Amazon, in case you would like to check it out.

Well I now got to go and get dinner ready to take to the field, cause we are cutting corn right now....

More on that later.

Hope ya'll have a great day and take some time to enjoy the music!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Beef on My Plate

I was recently contacted by the Kansas Beef Council about try out a new online assessment tool called My Plate, My Wayon the "Beef It's What's for Dinner" website. This is an interactive tool offers personalized tips and recipes to guide healthy eating choices that are tailored to you, while fitting in with USDA’s dietary guidelines.

It's a really neat tool. You will take an 8 question quiz and when you are finished it will give you your eating personality as well as some great recipes to try.

So when I took this I came out as a Flavor Saveur. And here's what they said about me...

Flavor rules in your book. Life is too short to eat foods you don’t enjoy, so you look for foods that will provide taste above all else. You love reading and trying new recipes on your quest for flavorful food.

They gave me two different recipes to try...

Filet Mignon with Herb-Butter Sauce and Mushrooms or Smoky T-Bones with Chunky BBQ Sauce

So they both sounded soo yummy, but I choose to the Smoky T-Bones....why, because I have T-Bones in freezer, but I still want to try the other recipe, but I might try it with ribeyes instead of the filet. But that will be for another time so back to the T-Bones I cooked. Well here's what they looked like...

I won't lie I was a little scared when I was making this for Caleb cause its a steak that you add BBQ sauce onto it and it has pineapple in it...

I should say this, Caleb likes his food "Plain Jane". No "fancy" ingredients. So I really didn't expect him to take to the idea of this steak topped with Pineapple BBQ sauce, but...

Not only did I love this recipe but so did Caleb. I though he might just go for the steak with no sauce on it, but he put it on the side and just plain loved it, he even started stealing some from my plate when he ran out of sauce. The only thing I didn't do that the recipe called for was rub chili powder on the steaks.

I'm sorry I didn't do a how-to picture post of this recipe, I was kind of in a rush when I made these, but I plan on making them again soon, and hopefully I will be able to do it next time. Once again here is a link to the Smoky T-Bones with Chunky BBQ Sauce again. If you get chance to try them, do, cause they are wonderful! Also take some time and go over to the Beef It's What's for Dinner website and check out all the great tools they have over there. Also go check out the My Plate, My Way. I would love to hear what your eating personality is.

Until we meet again.