
Monday, June 30, 2014

My Sweet Husband

Well the guys finished with the wheat harvest on Saturday right before it let loose and rained 3 - 5 inches on all our crop ground. So since it was so soggy Caleb hung around this afternoon and worked on my dryer some cause it was making some noises. 

After putting both the kiddos down for their naps. I head out to pick some green beans....

By some I mean a lot....

That bag is full too...
I will be busy for the next few days ;) 

Well when I'm about 3/4 the way done with my picking I come in to get a drink. That's when I discover that Chester has never fallen asleep and has since woken Iscel up...

That's when I quickly head back out to finish picking, cause I knew if I stayed in to long Caleb would sneak out and I wouldn't be able to finish picking.  

Well after I finish picking I come into this...

Daddy and Little Miss have passed out in the chair and Chester was asleep in his bed....

It was heaven...

That was until I jumped into the shower and woke him up....but it was nice while it lasted!!!

Now I must get to work on snapping some beans....


Friday, June 20, 2014

Wheat Harvest 2014

Oh where in the world has Janet been oh where, oh where could she be.....

It's been forever since I've been on here I know, but between....

2 kids, a farmer husband, Church, weddings, laundry, mowing the yard, gardening, keeping the guys fed....keeping my kiddos fed....and 5 million other things I am usually just barely making it. In fact right now I should be either folding laundry or cleaning the kitchen....oh well it will all be there later! ;)

As of right now on the farm we are staying busy with wheat harvest and soybean planting. 

Due to an extremely dry spring our wheat isn't anything special. Most of our fields have been averaging 30-39.5 bushels/acre (Our best field topped out at 39.5....we were hoping for 40 but just couldn't make it there :/ ) 

While the combines are going in combining wheat Caleb is at work trying to get all the double crop soybeans planted while we still have good moisture. Soil moisture is huge around here when planting double crop soybeans. Getting a good strong bean plant up and going makes a huge difference cause when it gets dry.....and it will get's nice to have a nice strong plant that will handle it a little better.

We've had few issues with the combine this time around, but they are stemming from lots of green weeds due to late rains and a thin wheat stand. 

Little man has a blast whenever we are at the field.


Little Miss is now on the go and getting into everything she can get to or whatever big brother brings her!

Man she's growing way too fast!!!


Even with some of the setbacks we have had we are still plugging along here in Southeast Kansas and are over halfway done with this years wheat harvest!