
Thursday, August 11, 2011


Every Farm has it's favorite / most used tractor and our farm is no different. Around here it's Pop's loader tractor...

It's used for hauling hay...

Feeding hay...

Feeding silage...

Doing dirt work...

Just about anything you can think to use a loader for and then some we do with this tractor.

Caleb has often made the comment that if this tractor goes down we are in trouble cause we really don't have a good back up.

Now there is another loader tractor on the farm, but it's not as big and doesn't have a cab and really isn't all that handy to use except for on the small projects.

We had this little beast down at our house last winter to help with the cattle chores and clearing snow last winter...

and it wasn't long after this picture was taken that Caleb thought we should be looking for another loader tractor with a cab!

Well finally about three weeks ago he found one in our price range and with the amount of hours he wanted on it and in the condition we wanted it to be in...

and it was only a couple hours away.

So Caleb, Pop and I make the drive over there with the truck an trailer to check it out.

After driving it around and checking it over Caleb gives the owner a call to haggle on the price a little and when they finally come to an agreement...

The guys write their checks and...

Load it up and head back home.

It took us about three hours to make it home and had to change one flat tire on the way, but all in all we were pretty happy with our new toy. 



  1. Very nice! Oh, and Q gives his approval, haha. (seriously, I can't have your blog open without him spying the tractors and come running!)

  2. We have TNT's grandpa's little old Ford tractor. It is older than dirt, but it gets the mowing, snow moving and dirt work done that we need. My husband is dreaming of getting something bigger, but I just shake my head. lol Glad you posted. But I really want to see belly pics! lol You are just too cute not to show off your belly!!

  3. When are yall gonna start getting green tractors? lol.

  4. Carrie - I haven't taken any belly pics lately, but they are coming soon.

    Steph - I keep trying on them, but it's not working. But there have been a few times the guys have talked about getting a green one when they were frustrated with their red

  5. Yea for the new toy!

    Hope you are feeling well~you are on the downhill slide of this pregnant thing!!

  6. That is one nice new toy...wouldn't mind one like that myself.
