
Friday, June 14, 2013

Up-Date from the Field - Video Blog

Hey y'all this is the first week of hotter temps and dry conditions so it has been a all hands on deck. So to give you an up-date on what I'm doing right now I thought I would do a video and tell you about it.

I just love the way I look right there

NOT.....but this is better than the first video I shot :)

One thing I didn't tell you in the video is if we don't get this rain over the weekend we will be in the wheat field next week, and if we do get this rain over the weekend then we will be in the field as soon as it's dry enough to run.

Gotta head to the hay field, so catch y'all later. 

Let me know what you guys think of video up-dates....if ya like them I will try and do them more often.



  1. Hello, I have been reading your blog for a bit now and enjoy reading about your cute fam. and the farm life! I found you thru LeAnna.:)
    Loved the Vlog! I think you should do more. I kinda like vlogs better then reading cuz you get to see and hear what the peson on the other side looks/soundslike!
    Thanks for the updates and looking forward to Nov. when we get you meet blessings #2!

  2. You are the cutest farm wife, ever! LOVED the video, if felt like we were right there in the tractor with you. So excited for baby #2, I think it's fun y'all are waiting until birth day to be surprised!

  3. Great video! I'm not sure I could talk to a camera for 9 minutes without sounding completely ridiculous, but you did a good job! lol.

  4. I loved it. I've been following you for years and had never heard your voice!! Great post Janet.

  5. This was great! I actually love videos a lot because you get to hear the voice. :)
