Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Vacation

 So I hope all ya'll got all your presents wrapped, cause Christmas eve is tomorrow which means you don't have all that much time.

And because of that

And because we are suppose to get some nasty weather tonight and tomorrow....

and because we have cattle calving....

and because we will be spending time with the family a lot over the next few days....

I most likely won't be back to post anything till some time next week.

So I hope you all are able to Celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, cause if it wasn't for Him then you wouldn't be you and I wouldn't be me and without us this world wouldn't be as wonderful.

So a Very Merry Christmas to you all!




  1. Merry Christmas to you! :) Looking forward to reading about your life in 2011...boy, it sure feels weird to write out 2011.

  2. Merry Christmas to you! I've enjoyed reading your blog this year. That picture of the calf is adorable!!

  3. Hope ya'll had a Merry Christmas :). It was great to see your text pop up Christmas morning! :)

  4. We didn't get any moisture! :( We need some so badly. I love calves. My favorite is when they are chasing each other and mom's run after them like get your hiney's back here this instant. You can just hear the conversation they are having. lol
