Friday, March 15, 2013

Hank's Night Life

 So I have told you many stories about me dogs, and most of them have revolved arround my little Jack Russell, Jasper, and his killing sprees he goes on. I really don't give much credit to the other dogs, that was until last night.

I have always thought of hank here as lazy, lover boy of a dog...

Who likes to give lots of kisses...even if they are not wanted! 

 On a side note this was when Chester was 10 months old and  my goodness my little man has grown!!

Back to Hank. He is seriously the sweetest dog. He loves everyone. I never worry about him biting anyone. Jasper on the other hand I tell everyone to stay away from him, he is my dog and nobody else. I tell people as long as you don't bother him he won't bit you. Hank on the other hand, I just worry about him licking someone to death.

I have never thought of Hank as much of a killer. besides maybe a fish when he can get his mouth on one. But otherwise he always seems like a scaredy cat. He seem to run from everything. But last night around 11 p.m. that all changed.  Caleb and I were laying in bed...reading and he was trying to go to sleep, but the dogs were barking up a storm and wouldn't shut up. Then all of a sudden the had cornered whatever they were after in the front of the house. The was the ruckus sounded I thought it was something big and I am think a raccoon. So I pull on a hoodie and check it out. I turn the light on and open the door and this is what I see...

Yeah that's a coyote that my dogs are fighting there in the corner. Needless to say my heart starts racing and I yell to Caleb telling him they have a coyote out here. He grabs his shotgun and comes racing up to the front of the house. 

I really don't know why we thought a gun was a good idea...

First - there wasn't a chance in the world of me getting all three of my dogs called the beast so we were never gonna have a clean shot at the beast. 

Second - Even if I some how got them all called off , shooting a big hole in the side of the house wasn't a good idea. :/

So after watching this mess occur for awhile, the beast finally escapes from the corner and they all run to the back side of the house.  I grab the spotlight and Caleb still has his gun and I proceed to spotlight the beast for the dogs while they keep attacking the wretched animal. Then Hank finally gets ahold of the neck and does the kill shake. He gets two of them in and that's all she wrote for the coyote....thank goodness!! I wouldn't have been able to sleep a wink if that beast wasn't dead.

After it was over Hank was pretty wore out and he was really starting to scare me. I found our big rubber tub and filled it with water and hank just jumped in and layed there for a while trying to cool down.  Jasper however was still attacking the dead coyte. I worried about ol' Hank for a while, but before I could get to sleep I heard him and the other dogs barking at the night again.      

This morning I went out to get a picture of the beast and...

Got a reenactment of what took place last night, from Hank and Jasper. 

They thought they were pretty big stuff....

and today I would have to agree. 

Now I know I didn't really mention Kit, my broader collie, she was part of the action too. She keeps the beast corralled and wont let it get away, while staying away form the mouth so she doesn't get bit. She's my smart dog! 

After seeing Hank last night it kinda makes me rethink some of those critter kills that I have been giving Jasper credit for, as well as the time I told you about them getting into a muddy fight with what I had thought was a big ol' raccoon when it very well could have been a coyote.

I never thought my dogs would take down a coyote, but they did, and now I hope they NEVER do it again, but I doubt that will happen.  

Oh something I forgot to say earlier, the corner where I took the picture of the coyote last night.....well it looks like a massacre  happened. My job for this afternoon is to clean it up so people don't start wondering about



  1. Great job Hank!!! The less of those nasty creatures the better.

  2. Good Boy HANK! Sure is weird how you may have your suspicions, and then you find out for real! Mind boggling sometimes. Sure is neat to have a guardian and protector! My girls? Well...HAHA...they are good at warning, but protection? Ummm... will see sometime maybe. They might even surprise me someday.
